Kurolink Google Slides Presentation TemplateThis template is suitable for those who want to show their business simply and interestingly. 当然,这个模板是专业的,而且...
Radeon -技术谷歌幻灯片

Radeon -技术谷歌幻灯片 by SuperSonic_Studio

创意,最小,现代和大都市演示模板. Fully customization & 超级容易使用,以适应任何类型的商业用途. 它非常适合你的技术演示.
专业的谷歌幻灯片模板的多用途演示. 从内部沥青甲板, investor pitch deck, weekly meeting, annual reports, business reports, and many more.


In the modern world, the advent of a computer and a multimedia projector made it possible to switch to the preparation and display illustrative material as presentations combining sound, video, and animation. 在需要提请注意任何问题的情况下, product, or service, 说服某人做某事的必要性, to train someone, 解释目标和目的, 展示所做工作的结果, or vice versa, 勾画未来的计划, use presentations.

There are different presentations: stands, slides, diagrams, memos, reports, dissertations, etc. Modern multimedia tools provide rich opportunities for creating a plot of a future presentation and for creating or introducing high-quality graphics, animation, 还有特效. 使用最新趋势, 我们的专家开发独特的技术谷歌幻灯片主题, which will certainly be able to surprise your colleagues and demonstrate an effective performance with a presentation.


Our store's technology Google Slides templates are designed by specialists and made to fit the highest quality. 它们已经包含了你需要的一切,并遵循给出的建议. 你可以根据自己的需要改变它们. 下面的技巧将帮助你保持听众的注意力. 让你的演讲更有效,视觉上更舒适.

  • 减少幻灯片的数量

不要在一次演示中制作数百张幻灯片. 确保材料的呈现清晰明了, 观众的注意力也不会减弱, 演示文稿中的幻灯片数量应该尽量少.

  • 选择便于查看的字体大小

从远处看幻灯片应该清晰可辨. Viewers will likely find it difficult to see the text if the font size is less than 30 points.

  • 把材料写得更简单

让你的文字更简洁. 这样听众就会把更多的注意力放在你身上,而不是试卷上. 最好将每个元素放在一行或一段中. 另外,请记住,有些投影仪可能会切掉幻灯片的边缘. 不要过分拉长文字.

  • Visual components

视觉组件在每个演示中都非常重要. This will allow you to grab more viewers' attention and show some material more easily. 图片、图表和图形有助于观众更好地记住材料. 用适当的图形完成幻灯片上的文字. And do not forget that you should not overload the slide with either text or graphics. 尽量保持图表上的说明文字 & 图表简短易懂. 应该没有不必要的文本,只有所需的最低限度.

  • 应用一个合适的、不显眼的模板

选择一个有吸引力和独特的模板,不会太亮和过饱和. The design of the template should not distract attention from the necessary information.

At the same time, 背景和文字的颜色应该和谐地结合在一起, 没有合并成一个整体的. Our Google Slide Theme technology uses eye-pleasing contrast between background and text. 设计要赏心悦目,文字要读起来舒服.

  • Check your grammar

拼写错误的文本可能会让观众感到困惑. 编辑完幻灯片后,再读一遍. 以防万一,您可以使用拼写检查服务. Also, you can contact us if you need a unique marketing copy for your projects; we can cover any topic ASAP.

遵循Templateog体育首页团队的这些建议, 即使改变了你的陈述,你仍然可以给人留下很好的印象.


订阅我们的频道, 你可以找到许多有趣的东西,无论是web开发人员和设计师. Also, watch the video "15 Best Aesthetic Fonts", which is useful for both websites and Google Slides.



Yes. 在16:9的屏幕上看起来很棒. 我们的演示使用高质量的图形和字体.


选择一个你喜欢的谷歌幻灯片模板. Click on it, and the description will indicate the features, files included and the fonts used. Also, for all technical issues of interest, you can contact our responsive operators in Live Chat. They will try to explain and help you as much as possible with every technical question.


用户友好的主题不需要任何软件. 你需要一个谷歌账户,才能访问谷歌文档. If you want to edit locally, then you will need PowerPoint installed on your device.


我们所有的模板都尽可能地富有创意和与众不同. 这完全取决于你的喜好. 简化你的搜索, 您可以使用左侧栏, 在哪里可以指定主题, tags, colors, price, etc. And then, 根据搜索结果, 选择你最喜欢的谷歌幻灯片主题.